Airport Delay Compensation
Ever experienced 3+ hours flight delays? If yes, then you may have the right to compensation under EU 261 Rule. The compensation amount is up to 600€ per person.
Eligibility to claim compensation for airport delays or cancellations:
1. In case of delays
- Flight should have been departed from an EU airport (regardless of the airline, EU or non-EU) and should get delayed on arrival for more than three hours
- If your flight was an EU regulated airline, you’ve the right to claim even either of the airport was in EU Member States (arrival or departure)
2. In case of cancellations
- Your flight was scheduled for departure from an EU airport (regardless of the airline, EU or non-EU), and you were not informed at least 14 days before
- If your flight was an EU regulated airline, you’ve the right to claim even either of the airport (arrival or departure airport) was in EU Member States
3. In case of denied boarding
- You should have been denied to board your flight involuntarily, due to overbooking of flight seats
- It should be an EU regulated airline or the departure airport of your flight should be in EU (European Union).
4. In case of missed connection
- Your flight should have booked under same leg
- Delay should be of minimum 3 hours to claim
Note: There will no compensation if the circumstances are out of control or caused due to some extraordinary circumstances (such as Extreme Bad Weather, Tsunami, Terrorist Attack, or any other natural disasters).
List of Airports for which you can claim compensation under EU Regulation 261/2004
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Higher Fees (£50 to £500, + Hearing Fees)
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Hours of your time are spent
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